Wednesday, 11 January 2012

My little MissK has been exhibiting some extremely challenging behaviour of late- digging her heels in and steadfastly refusing to do whatevers asked of her until she's been backed into a corner (metaphorically), and i feel like i'm slowly but surely turning into the nagging, impatient Mother that i never wanted to be.
So it might be time to reassess how I'm dealing with my willfull determined offspring.

Strangely i think its the endless days of holidays, sunshine and no commitments that has been her undoing. She is definately one of those kids who likes to have set routines for each day and to know whats coming up around the next corner.
She likes to know who,where,what and when....basically she's just nosey and will probably grow up to be a total control freak.
Maybe thats where our problem steams from because she really should know by now that I'm the control freak in our family and she will have to wait til she has her own family before its her turn.

But lets not talk about growing up because the number FOUR birthday is approaching FAR too rapidly.
At this rate she will be fleeing the nest long before either Manchild or i are ready to let her go....
Maybe now that we have a backyard we can build her her own little house out there so that she never actually has to move away from home.

And if she does leave,the neighbours had better watch out because i might just start collecting cats to fill the void.

1 comment:

  1. hehe - i started early with the cats! as for the nagging - you'll feel like you're doing it whether you are or not!!! it's just the way it is. girls are stubborn!!!
