2012! Goodbye 2011- it was nice knowing you.
There were many highs during 2011 for our little family - the best i think being a renewed sense of independence that came with the move to our new house.
It feels a bit more like we are 'on track' for the goals that Manchild and i both have for our family life which is brilliant! Of course the house has gobbled up ALL our money,so 2011 has been a year of scrimping and saving and eating humble pie whenever various family members came to our rescue and offered to help out in the form of finances or groceries.
Lucky that we have a house with a biggish yard, i keep thinking,since it needs a whole lot of regular work (very neglected when we moved in) and doesnt cost a thing :-)
i have to admit that there have been a few lows too-its been disheartening to realise how regularly I'm getting UTI's -even thought I'm still using gentimicin daily- and how often i have to stay at home because the nausea is so bad that i cant go in the car (me! Who's never suffered a bout of motion sickness in her life til now!).
I dont quite know how to change this (thats the disheartening bit) but I'm working on it....
And a few highs too- NZ winning the world cup in rugby, Having major snow fall in Wellington for the first time in approx 13 years.Lots and lots of fun times.
The next few months are going to be busy ones-
My brother,his Lady and their 2 year old son are arriving from Oz on Friday- its the first time they have seen our new house and both Manchild and i are fighting the insane desire to buff n polish it within and inch of its life!! We are all super excited to see them.
My Dad,daughter and Step mum all have their birthdays within the last week of Jan (MissK is turning FOUR!!!!).
At the beginning of Feb i have the colonoscopy and at the end of Feb i have to go in for a bladder study to see if its my bladder that is rebelling and causing all the infections - it seems that if it is,the urologist has other tricks up his sleeve like injecting botox into the bladder (yes,you read that right,botox).
And at the start of March I've got an MRI and MissK starts morning kindy.
And in April we will be travelling up to Auckland to see the How To Train Your Dragon stage show which Manchild got me tickets to for Christmas (Yippee!). It might be a slow trip due to car sickness but hopefully the bladder study will have cleared up a few issues by then (fingers crossed!)
Busy busy busy.
It seems that time has been marching on while i wasnt looking- Manchild and i both celebrated our birthdays last week: Me,35 and him,31. Considering we met when he was 16 and i was 20 its a bit of an achievement to still happily tolerate the sight of each other.
Even after living together for the last 6 years, i still get a warm glow when Manchild tells me that he values me most when i disagree with his opinion and refuse to conform to his ideas (good thing he tells me this because otherwise i would swear that he hates it!).
Its an amazing feeling to be valued for who you are rather than what somebody else wants you to be.
So in the long run 2011- thank you for being a year of growth and normality,its been brilliant and 2012, I'm excited by what you will be bringing our way.
Much love to everyone who has cruised through this blog at one time or another, Thanks for reading and best wishes and happiness for 2012
happy new year to you all! i'll be thinking of k on the 25th when we're celebrating mr scrappy's birthday!!! all the best with the procedures - i'm sure your bladder will fall into line very soon!