Saturday, 17 September 2011

Goodbye Mojo

I hate loss. And death. Death i can mostly manage since its a part of life that i accept but the absence of the life force that was there is such a hard thing to bare.
I'm not being morbid or dwelling on dark thoughts but my cat died this morning and i miss him enormously.
A cat. I know, i know its only a cat right?

He was my old boy though.Before i met Manchild- back in the days when i was prone to random fits of crying at odd times day or night- he was the one that would snuggle up next to me and purr til i felt better.
Once Manchild and i had moved in together - and i was now given to laughing at odd times day and night- he got shut out of the bedroom for the first time and he would sit outside the door and headbutt it until i caved and opened it for him.

He came to me second hand,a cat who would shoot out the catdoor as soon as he heard steps coming down the front path,usually not returning for 6-12 hours later. I slowly saw him coming out of his shell and morphing into the purriest,cuddliest,friendliest cat you ever met.
Since he has been with me, our little family of two has grown and grown and grown...expanding to me,him,2 large dogs,1 other crazy cat,manchild,MissK and 36 fish. With each addition Old Mo got grouchier and grumpier until we started calling him by two names : Mojo when he was good natured and Mojo jojo (you power puff girls fans will know what i mean by that name!) when he was not!.
He ruled the household with an iron claw and heaven help any dog noses foolish enough to get in his way.
Manchild,MissK and the old boy

He and my other cat Wasabi were inseparable -wasabi loved the rain and was always up to mischief. He would come home,soaking wet and covered in all sorts of debris and lie down infront of Mo like a sultan and Mo would obligingly lick him from top to tail until he was clean dry and fluffy once more. This morning Wasabi has been wandering around looking as lost as i feel.

MissK was the one who surprised me,although we had been preparing her for weeks about what was going to happen,she was absolutely shattered when he died. She cried so hard that she couldn't speak for about half an hour,utter devestation at losing her first pet and constant companion.She was inconsolable- really truely understanding that Mo would not be coming back.

I have to tell you though The strangest thing happened this morning- one of those moments that make you realise that there might be something more going on in the universe than we know about.(i swear this story is the absolute truth)
When we got out of bed Mo was curled up in the grass and it was obvious that he was having trouble breathing.We got him a bowl of milk and helped him to drink some,we werent sure how long he was going to last-hopefully another few days but we didnt want him to be in un necessary pain.
Mike went out to see his dad and i was sewing at the kitchen table. About 40 mins passed and then i suddenly said "Oh my God!!!" REALLY loudly and scrambled up from the table and ran outside as fast as i could.
Mo had moved to his side and as i watched and stroked his head he took his last breath and died.
I dont know what made me run outside at that moment but i am incredibly grateful,for me and for Mo, that we were together when his life ended.
I love you boy.We will never forget you or stop missing you.

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