Tuesday, 20 September 2011

After another morning started with rain, a housebound restless preschooler and myself on week three of illness i had to remind myself not to be taking all the wonderous things in my life for granted.
I went on a grateful hunt  - here's a few of my faves for today...

This may look like just a door to you but MissK is at the age where nap time is met with much resistance! Behind this door my little one blissfully slumbers....

Manchild and i will be out AFTER dark tonight!! I cant wait! A movie! Of my favourite band! And i'll be seeing it with my favourite person! Did i mention that i cant wait??

One of my favourite possessions,shipped over to me from the States as i surprise gift from MM. I cruise through it every night before sleep.

Yes its a basic machine but i love it.
Yes, its our kitchen/dining room table but it works and I'm glad to have it.

My remaining much loved cat,I'm so grateful to have you. I was very worried that Wasabi would leave home when Mo died but he's still here  ... watch this space,we're on the lookout for the perfect companion

And BLUE sky and sunshine after all that rain and cold.

Yes I'm a happy and lucky girl to be here living this day.

Hope youre all having  one as great as mine

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the movie, those leather seats are the best! Always lots to be grateful for if you look. Have u got the flu???
