Tuesday, 30 August 2011

my wallet talisman given to me by MM.Helps me to remember the importance of each day,even the mundane ones
Manchild and i have had a running disagreement for pretty much as long as we have know each other over whether or not I am Lucky.
Actually,its not really a disagreement as such since we both agree that i am.
However every time this subject rears its head i find myself getting defensive because although i do feel that i've had a wonderful,blessed and fortunate life,i suspect that by 'lucky' he's really saying "you are lucky,everything comes easy to you,it just falls into your lap because you are a Lucky Person". At which point i end up jumping down his throat and saying something along the lines of "has it escaped your attention Darling One,that i am the one who has been battling cancer for the last 2 years?".
And his response? "Yes,but you won didnt you? Any one else probably would have died".
Sigh,its probably a battle that i will never win and the really annoying thing is that i cant really disagree with him too much. I had another close friend (W) who has known me for many many years and she always said that i was called Cat because i had nine lives- meaning something would go wrong and then miraculously come right again.
 The sunrise from my our house always took my breath away.Its hard to deny the beauty in the world with a view like this

The bit that frustrates me (although i do see both of their points of view,after all i was there too and generally it is what happens) is that it seems to negate all hard work that goes in behind the scenes. I feel like quoting that National bank ad,you know the one: Where the couple are saving and saving and sacrificing all sorts of good things in order to get enough money in the bank to get a ticket to travel the world and then when they do a friend comes up and says 'youre so lucky!!!'.The slogan of the ad is LUCK HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.
I feel the same about my life.There have been tough times,I've always been lousy with money,I was treated for anxiety and eating problems for years,before the cancer was diagnosed i was often in crippling pain, my parents split up when i was 3, My brothers all live overseas and i miss them all incredibly yadda yadda yadda.

The thing is,i think that i choose to NOT see the overall negative picture.
it is a choice. I find the biggest difference between Manchild and i on this topic is that if something unfortunate happens he will say "Thats the story of my life,bloody typical.This always happens to me,i dont know why i bother trying"
Whereas i would say "Oh bugger.Thats not good.Still,I'm sure that we can make this work for us somehow.We can figure this out to our advantage. And even if we cant,it'll be better tomorrow".
This is the grey area however as Manchild argues that i can have this sort of faith in my world because things always work out for me, when i say that things always work out for me BECAUSE i have this kind of faith in my world.
Like i said,its probably an unwinnable argument. But i do think that if things are going wrong around you,take a look inside because i think we are all capable of creating our own luck. If you can view whats going on around and still focus your mental energies on a positive outcome,you will create that outcome (or a similar one) for yourself.
like this:
Yes its true that i cant have any more children,but the one i have is a miracle to be treasured.
Yes,i have an imperfect body that doesnt do what it used to but I'm alive
Yes,my brothers live overseas and i miss them all deperately but i can see them on Skype.
Yes,sometimes i wonder where we will get the money to pay the bills but we have a house,our health and each other
Yes,my parents split up but i gained 2 brothers and a wonderful stepmother
Yes,some days its hard to drag myself out of bed but after 24hrs that day will be over and a new one will begin
Yes,Manchild,although we disagree, being able to show each other different points of view is one of the things that makes us so valuable to each other

You get the idea,and my point that generally (temporarily) ends me and Manchilds disagreement on me being lucky and him not?
"if youre not lucky then how did you end up with an adoring  family as wonderful as me and MissK?". yep,its a show stopper,he cant debate that one ....

Lucky Manchild....  ;-)
Oh,and i just have to add this as a postscript:
Last Saturday Manchild had been working all day and had fallen asleep on the sofa,when he woke we were late for some plans that he had made (he made them and fell asleep before telling me about them so i didnt wake him up in time).
He was in a right state about it and 5 mins later we were hurtling down the road in the car,Him looking like his head was going to explode and me with my tongue clenched between my teeth so that i wouldnt comment on how fast he was driving when,from the backseat a little voice piped up:
"Dont worry Daddy" she said "It will be ok,we will get there in time.It will all be alright"
Manchild glowered at me "its obvious who's child she is" he said (i dont know how he managed to make that sound like an insult but he did!)
"I'm a clever child" the backseat piped up again
"Thats right my darling" i replied :You ARE a clever child AND an optimist"
The childs chest puffed out and she said with great pride "Yes Daddy,i AM clever AND an Octopuss"
At which point Manchild burst out laughing and his bad mood evaporated,so positivity is catching and can make a change in others lives (just as negativity can).
Be happy.Choose it.


  1. "You ARE a clever child AND an optimist"
    I love your message, sheez could have told me how awesome it was to be an optimist years ago, lol. I probably wouldnt have listened to you, but now I am listening and I'm so lucky to have you as my Sis in Law. :) xx

  2. some say luck is when opportunity meets preparation. either way, i've never known a more positive person :)
