Friday, 9 March 2012

I havent written for such a long time!
mostly, I'm pleased to say because things have been smoothly trundling along in my world but also, I'm not pleased to say, because I've been getting myself out there and have widened the group of people that i know and in doing so I've heard some life experiences that would just break your heart.
I feel astonished that these people have the strength to keep on keeping on and without being taken into their confidence,you never could tell whats going on behind the scenes.
My issues are totally small potatoes in comparison and i suppose thats why I've been keeping my busy lil fingers off the keyboard - because i started writing this as a way to get the whole cancer thing out there but now i feel like making a bit of change of pace...but to what?

I'm guessing that it will be a bit more of a record now of things I've done (joined the kindy commitee last week which is NEW ground for me) and things I'm doing (travelling the length of the North Island by car next month) with the odd medical hiccup thrown in here and there as they happen...and lots of sewing i imagine
Speaking of medical - i did have the CT scan, when was that...? Monday before last i think,I have an oncologist appointment on Monday when I'll find out the results. I'd touch wood but i dont think i need to.

Summers suddenly come to a halt in wellington (if it ever really got started that is) and just in time and almost a year after moving in Manchild and i have got all the wiring sorted in the house which is like a mini miracle and has got us both chuffed. The vege garden may be overgrown and the garage may leak but at least we have more than one power point in every room and outside lights now.

There are people that i am blessed to have in my life- MissK and Manchild of course , but also friends and family that i couldnt live without.
There seem to be babies (a new niece and second cousin within days of each other!) and pregnancies all around and the moment and its exciting to see the next wave of new life coming through.
Lifes not always easy and i have resigned myself to the reality that i'll be on daily antibiotics for the rest of my life - and when they stop working the game plan will need a rehaul but life is what it is. And no one else is going to make it better for me, than i can make it for myself.
Amen to that.